A Little Bit About Myself …
About me? That question has haunted me most of my life. My standard answer would be to tell you something about one of my 3 amazing kids or say the standard “nothing new, just working away and living life.” Then I would skillfully manipulate the conversation to be about you. To talk about myself triggered a deep-rooted fear, I had zero concept of who I was and felt stupid because I didn’t know.
Find Your Path
Begin your journey of finding out who you really are and start living the best version of yourself!
The Why
Is there an alcoholic, addict or dysfunctional person affecting your life? Do you find yourself emotionally intoxicated with someone? Do you constantly “should” on yourself?
Why does life seem to be holding you back from being your true self?
Read more about why >
The How
I believe our EGO is cunning, baffling and powerful. It has to be as its whole purpose is to keep us alive, but unfortunately not to thrive. My experience has been that it takes somebody that has been through the undoing process to help you clear away the fog of fear that the EGO keeps you in.
Read more about how >